Discovering AWS CloudWatch, SNS, and Autoscaling Groups

Discovering AWS CloudWatch, SNS, and Autoscaling Groups


2 min read

What is SNS?

AWS SNS (Simple Notification Service) is like a digital messenger that sends important messages to different devices. It's a way for your apps and systems to let you know when something important happens, just like how a text message alerts you on your phone.

Creating SNS Topic

In AWS, an SNS Topic is like a virtual bulletin board. It's where important messages are posted, and different devices can subscribe to it to get those messages. Think of it as a notice board where you can stick messages, and anyone interested can come by and read them.

  1. Visit the AWS console management and look for the SNS service using the search bar.

  2. Go to the Topics section and tap the "Create topic" button.

  3. Choose "FIFO" as the type. Provide a topic name, then click the "Create Topic" button to make a topic for sending notifications.

  4. Scroll down and tap the "Create Subscription" button.

  5. Pick "Email" as the protocol. Enter the email address where you want to receive notifications for that specific topic.

  6. Afterward, click on "Create subscription." Next, open the email you provided and verify it by clicking on the link that AWS sent you. This ensures that the email is correct and you can receive notifications.

  7. After subscribing, your email will appear in the subscription section. This confirms that you're set up to receive notifications.

Creating a Billing Alarm

An AWS billing alarm is like a spending alert. It warns you when your cloud costs reach a certain amount you set. Think of it as a reminder that helps you avoid unexpectedly high bills by letting you know when you're getting close to your budget.

  1. Visit the AWS console management and look for the Cloudwatch service using the search bar.

  2. Go to the Billing from Alarms section and tap the "Create Alarm" button.

  3. Select the Currency, Statistic, and time period.

  4. Choose "Static" as the "Threshold type." Define the alarm condition and set a Threshold value. This value is when you want to receive a notification, like a friendly reminder, that your spending is reaching a certain point.

  5. Next, pick the SNS topic that you created earlier. This is where the notification about your billing will be sent.

  6. Provide an Alarm name and a brief description, then click on "Next."

  7. Double-check the details and then click the "Create alarm" button. You'll see the alarm on your dashboard once it's set up.
